







This is a solution (hack) to the iOS5.0.5 mobile Safari issue whereby on iPad or iPhone, functions such as links or java commands within a fixed element will not work when the page is scrolled to top. This should be viewed on an iPhone or iPad.

In essence two almost identical navbars were created. The orignial nabar includes all of the button images, text and functions with its position set to fixed. A duplicate navbar was created with a different class name, lower z-index and importantly the position of the duplicate nabar set to absolute. The CSS of the content of the navbar is also duplicated with images, backgrounds and text removed but functions, dimesions etc identical the positions of the content within the dupiclate navbar are the same as the content in the original. In essence the original and duplicate are layered on top of each other. When the page is scrolled the navbars detach however the duplicate is invisible as it has a lower z-index and images etc were removed. When the scroll to top is activated the duplicate navbar returns to its original location (under the original) and all of the functions work perfectly.

Note: on the absolute positioned navbar the Tweet button is a rendered iFrame and therefore is visible as the navbars detach












































































